Friday, December 3

As I Am..Diary Entry #1

Sooo...lately I've been more down than up about school & I don't know what it is about the end of a semester, but it always makes me a little lazier than when I started. iSleep, iEat, iProcrastinate, iStress more than ever, & iAM not my normal ray of sunshine. This is usually the time I have to remind myself why I am in school & what my purpose & dreams are. Even remembering that I am not the only one benefiting from my future achievements. My insane, pessimistic, weird family [seen below & excuse the picture...its the best one we took] is as well, being they motivate me to want to do ever so much more for them than I will do for myself. For you to get to know me personally & better, I'll start off my telling you my dream I'm striving for now.

  • To get my degree in Communications with focus on Radio/Tv/Film
    • That goal is mainly focused on radio
  • With that I'm moving the hell out of Alabama. My dreams are TOO big to be staying here.
  • Move to be a radio personality in either Miami or Los Angeles.
    • (iLOVE being at the soundboard and creating a radio show. Its like electricity flowing through my veins & gives me one of the best feelings I've ever experienced in life)
Then the rest of my dreams is solely based on family, but that's another entry. Thinking about my passion & what iWant to do with it & go beyond what I was meant to be & do in life gives me the mental vitamins iNeed to make it through this crazy school. When you're not feeling your best in school, what part of your dream gives you the sensation that just awakes you?

P.S. Excuse my radio pictures. Rainy day in the lab. =)
-Love In Peace Out

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